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ISM Weekly Report 14

This week in ISM, I started and completed the final product proposal necessary for ISM. I was able to plan out the whole product and explain the plan in detail in the proposal. To more into detail let me explain what exactly I am going to do. So a little background knowledge first, Aortic Dissections are known as a tear in the inner layer of the large blood vessel branching off the heart called the aorta. A tear in this part of the heart is devastating to the circulatory system, so the first issue is identifying the type of tear the patient has endured. There are two types of tears that can occur called a Type A and Type B. Type A tears are on the first few centimeters of the ascending portion of the aorta and requires immediate surgery to fix. On the other hand, a Type B tear is a bit more risky to operate on. This is because a Type B tear occurs on the second half of the aorta which can knock off branches leading to the brain and the lower half of the body. This is where my algorithm comes in. Once I create my algorithm surgeons will be able to look at the symptoms patients are exhibiting and decide on a course of action. Whether that be operating on the aorta or operating on the other parts of the body that are showing the side-effects of the dissection is up to the surgeon, but my algorithm can hopefully help make surgeons jobs easier and help save more lives.

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