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Research Assessment 10

Research Assessment #10

Name: Milind Renjit

Date: 11/26/18

Subject: Robotic Cardiac Surgery

Teacher: Mrs. Brittain

MLA citation:  


Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Robotic Cardiac Surgery.” Is There Really Any Benefit to Multivitamins?,,11.




The devil on the shoulder of every prospective student going into college in the coming years will be the fear of automation. Innovations in every field of technology have begun to introduce the concept of automation to all aspects of life. Self-driving cars, AI that has the potential to perform certain tasks better than humans, and extremely powerful computers that fit in the pockets of our jeans are just a few of the things that are bringing the future closer to the human race day by day. One such industry that is at risk of eventual automation is the surgical industry. With a field that requires the at most level of precision and skill, the use of a machine can greatly revolutionize the process for both the doctor and the patient. However, this does not mean a complete take over by the robots, but the use of robots by the surgeons to further their surgical abilities. In an article called, “Robotic Cardiac Surgery”, the world-renowned Johns Hopkin Medicine provides a detailed explanation of what the robotic surgery entails and how it is used in cardiothoracic surgery. Such an overview is something that all aspiring cardiac surgeons can learn from, and this is something that I am confident can help me prepare mentally for the automated future. And in this years final and original work I can utilize the information I learn in this article.


The article begins with explaining what robotically assisted cardiac surgery is in its most basic form. The concept is that surgeons control a robot called the Davinci machine, and this machine contains a number of robotic arms that will extend into the patient through tiny incisions in the chest. I have read about the machine and the procedures involved in relation to the future of cardiothoracic surgery. This is because, in most minimally invasive surgeries, the DaVinci machine is the main tool used to from the start of the surgery to the end. This caused all my previous research and research assessments to have the ideology coupled with the concept of minimally invasive surgery methods. Just from this glimpse on the current conversation surrounding the technology and the method, it is clear that the future of cardiothoracic surgery will revolve around the DaVinci machine and various other technological advancements.


These two are widely regarded to be the future of all types of surgery considering the various advantages it possesses over open heart surgery. As one of the fastest growing surgeries done by cardiothoracic surgeons, it is crucial that I learn as much as I can about this form of surgery and the tools that are used to conduct the surgeries. Such procedures that allow an easier time for the patients and the surgeons will eventually trickle down to the majority of hospitals around the world. This will give the best opportunity for patients all over the world to experience advanced medicine and all its benefits. And as a physician that should be my goal; to help save the lives of every person I possibly can in any way that I can.


In conclusion, the automation of surgery is the future of medicine as a whole. It will require the relearning of surgery as we know it, but as a whole make medicine more successful. More precision, quicker completion times, and an overall better experience for all parties involved in the surgery make it the superior method for the future. Possessing the ability to learn as much knowledge as possible about future trends in cardiac surgery is something that can greatly benefit me in my dream of becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon. Hopefully, this knowledge will help me do my part in starting that preparation for the future and at the end of the day make me better at saving lives in the best way possible.

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